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CLARK FREEPORT ZONE, Pampanga – The aggressive expansion plans lined up for AAG as it “creates the future now” push the entire organization into a new level of thinking and learning. The company is not just geared towards upgrading equipment, systems and tools but more importantly, developing its Knowledge Management (KM) mechanism in order to “transform AAG into a learning organization”.

Through AAG’s existing Knowledge Management Framework, the company initiates the soft-launch of the “AAG Power Lunch 2020”, a learning session series over an extended lunch break, rooted from the idea of a “power” activity formatted into motivational / knowledge enhancement lectures / briefings. The objective of the program is to instill in AAG a culture of learning where there is continuous creation, acquisition and transfer of knowledge; a critical component to the realization of the expansion plans of the company.

The soft-launch of the program is graced by Mr. Ho Sun Yee, a sought-after speaker and the Managing Director of Reyes Tacandong & Company (RT&Co) Strategic Processes Inc. Mr. Yee lectured on the topic “Strategic Thinking” where he shared to AAG’s ExCom, managers and department heads a wealth of valuable insights on how AAG can be 5, 6, or 7 steps ahead of the game and be a market leader. He defined Strategic Thinking as “a company’s initiative of translating the vision, mission and core values that looks good on the wall and on reports, into a strategic profile; a profile that you can touch, you can feel and can serve as basis of the decisions of the company.”

After the talk, the attendees were asked to express their thoughts, ideas and take-aways on the “Bright Idea” Board. The board is designed to complement the learning session by providing a space where attendees can share what they have learned and the innovative ideas formed through the lecture.  It will be a tool for capturing, evaluating and selecting the best ideas to further grow AAG.

The “AAG Power Lunch 2020” is part of the employee engagement programs under Human Resource Department. It will also be mirrored as a cadet / trainee activity as part of the Student Engagement Program through the Student Affairs and Client Relations Department, with the Corporate Affairs Team coordinating with both departments for the said program.

Alpha Aviation Group, as it moves forward, will relentlessly institute programs and activities that will develop its workforce and instill a life-long learning mindset, forward thinking, knowledge sharing and collaborative learning culture where everybody in the AAG Family participates.