“Our cadets’ success is also our success…”
CLARK FREEPORT ZONE, Pampanga – After months of ground schooling, simulator and flight training, the APP 02-2019 cadets successfully hurdled one of the most challenging parts of their flight training, the first solo flight. On 31st of January, the APP 02-2019 ends the first month of the year with their wings pinned and with a second bar added on their epaulettes.
The ceremony starts with a processional march of the cadets as a way to formally welcome the men and women of the hour. Cadet Erika Pilar Dayanghirang, one of the female cadets of the batch, leads the invocation followed by a congratulatory and at the same time a motivational message from AICAT’s Head of Training, Capt Gwen Lucero during his opening remarks. He assured the cadets that the training team will continue to inculcate the knowledge, skills and discipline needed until the end of the training program.
A captivating AVP, prepared by the batch, is also shown during the event as a way of sharing their experiences as an AAG-trained cadet from zero hours until now that they have reached their first milestone as a pilot.
The ceremony has also been an avenue for the cadets to personally thank their parents, relatives, loved ones and their AAG family for playing a significant role in achieving this milestone. Cadet Bonn Joseph Benin, APP 02-2019’s batch representative, delivered a message of thanksgiving on behalf of the batch. He proudly shared how their batch successfully accomplished their first solo flight, being the first batch deployed at Iba, Zambales with zero flying hours.
Capt. Estrelito Gutierrez – AICAT’s Accountable Manager, Capt. Anthony Tan – AAG’s acting Head of Training and Chief Synthetic Flight Instructor, Capt. Gwen Lucero- AICAT’s Head of Training and Capt. Joseph David – AAG’s Chief Flight Instructor are present to award the first solo certificate, hand the aircraft model, wings and the 2-bar epaulettes. Cadets were called one by one together with their proud parents for the ceremonial changing of the epaulette bars.
AICAT’s Accountable Manager, Capt. Estrelito Gutierrez, caps off the program with his closing remarks. He echoed AAG’s commitment to deliver world-class pilot training in order to continually produce airline-ready pilots geared towards joining the region’s leading airlines.