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Alpha Aviation Group (AAG) uses a single engine fleet of Cessna 172’s or Skyhawk. This particular aircraft is considered the all-time most successful trainer aircraft to date.

In maintaining this, AAG follows the recommendations of the manufacturer and buys all parts from the original supplier.

The Cessna 172

The Cessna 172 Analog aircraft is the first conventional instrument our pilots will be using their first few hours of flight training. For most of their flying hours, one of the most modern, safe, and world recognized aircraft— the Cessna 172 SP, also known as the Cessna 172S G1000, will be used to deliver superior training.

Proven Safety Record

Our Cessna aircraft have a proven safety record and includes airbags as a factory standard. Because of Cessna’s safety and reliability, the Cessna G1000 aircraft has over 1 million flight hours worldwide.

Perfect for a Trainee Pilot

AAG has chosen the Cessna 172S G1000 because of its safety and reliability record. The aircraft includes dual 10.4 inch, high-resolution liquid crystal displays (GDU’s), displaying a moving map terrain, navigational and flight instrument information, and it is the perfect aircraft for a trainee pilot.

Easy Transition to Airbus A320 Glass Cockpit

Also, the Cessna 172S G1000 glass cockpit provides a natural and easy transitional environment to the Airbus A320 glass cockpit environment.  As a result, pilots spend less time having to familiarize themselves with a glass cockpit environment and can spend more time concentrating on learning how to fly the Airbus A320.