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air traffic control
7 Tips on How to Communicate with Air Traffic Controllers More Effectively
August 29, 2024
AAG Corporate Affairs

The rapport established between pilots and air traffic controllers is essential to ensure a safe and smooth flight. When pilots have good synergy with air traffic control (ATC), they can relay crucial information about the weather, navigation, and the condition of the runway to avoid any mishaps. A lot of factors contribute to this level […]

The Importance of Networking and Mentorship in Pilot Training
The Importance of Networking and Mentorship in Pilot Training
August 12, 2024
AAG Corporate Affairs

Pursuing a career as a pilot is a challenging path that requires dedication and hardwork, as well as the support of those around them. You don’t become a pilot just by studying textbooks alone but, rather, through the wisdom of your instructors and guidance of mentors you meet along the way. As such, those who […]

How to Build Confidence and Competence in the Cockpit as a New Pilot
How to Build Confidence and Competence in the Cockpit as a New Pilot
August 8, 2024
AAG Corporate Affairs

Competence and confidence in the cockpit are attributes that new pilots need to develop to ensure the safety and efficiency of each flight. These are also essential for one to truly enjoy flying as an activity and to build a successful and fulfilling career in aviation. Competence involves mastering the technical skills and knowledge required […]

Differences Between Visual Flight and Instrument Flight Rules
Differences Between Visual Flight and Instrument Flight Rules
AAG Corporate Affairs

In aviation, there is a comprehensive set of rules and regulations that every pilot must follow to ensure the safety of every flight. Among these are the concepts of Visual Flight Rules and Instrument Flight Rules, also known as VFR and IFR, respectively. Both are crucial in aviation navigation and are taught to everyone who’s […]

The Benefits of Getting a Multi-Engine Rating
The Benefits of Getting a Multi-Engine Rating
July 30, 2024
AAG Corporate Affairs

Obtaining a multi-engine rating is a significant step in a pilot’s career. This additional certification allows you to operate aircraft with more than one engine, expanding your skills and opportunities in aviation. To be eligible for multi-engine training, you must hold at least a private pilot license (PPL) and meet the minimum flight experience required […]