
A flight simulator is a piece of equipment that uses advanced computer technology to replicate the motions, sounds, and controls of a modern airplane.

In the Philippines and many other countries, pilots are required to maintain a logbook. It’s a book where pilots write and record their flying hours and every flight they have flown. Some of the contents of a pilot logbook are the pilot’s flight time, number of landings, and types of instrument maneuvers they made. The […]

No matter how illustrious the commercial pilot career may seem, you shouldn’t be blinded by its perks. The stripes on your uniform mean that you’re responsible for ensuring the safety of your passengers and your cargo, so you have to stay focused on your job. If you fail to deliver what is asked of you, […]

Air travel has come a long way since the Wright brothers successfully flew and controlled an engine-powered aircraft. During the early stages of aviation, it was challenging simply to get a plane up in the air, carry people across long distances, and land in one piece. Today, commercial airlines have the ability to fly millions […]

Airbus S.A.S is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of commercial aircraft. You will see its aircraft used by many airline companies and plenty of pilots completing their type rating to fly the latest Airbus models. However, the success of this European aircraft manufacturer didn’t happen overnight. It took years of innovation and overcoming challenges […]