Comprehensive and effective cadet pilot training is a vital solution to the pressing and growing problem of airport congestion. With specialized and thorough courses, pilots are equipped with the knowledge, skill, insight and experience crucial to the improvement of airport operations and runway processes, thus reducing airstrip traffic, delayed flights, additional expenses and customer complaints.
Here are some ways flight training can help ease the widespread congestion problems airlines encounter at airports.
Pilots with significant flight training communicate better with air traffic control
Communication between pilots and air traffic control (ATC) tower is an integral part of airport operations. To facilitate safe and efficient runway traffic, ATC operators provide directions to pilots who navigate complex layouts and intersecting runways. Additionally, ATC operators also provide information about the surrounding airspace and handle the clearance delivery of every aircraft in the airport. With proper training, pilots acquire an understanding of the control tower language, including radio communications and flight procedures.

Along with the A320 simulator, AAG also has a single fleet of Cessna 172s for cadet training
Since English is the required medium of communication in the aviation industry, it is imperative that commercial pilots are well-versed in the language when interacting with the air traffic control tower. For aspiring pilots who are not native English speakers, training at Alpha Aviation Group (AAG) is beneficial as cadets and instructors train and work on an all English speaking campus. AAG’s curriculum and community provides cadets with the best academy to acquire the necessary language and communication skills that would be highly beneficial to their career as an airline pilot.
On top of its English-based curriculum, Alpha Aviation Group also ensures that every pilot is equipped with the technical competencies that would give them the skills to navigate in a congested airport. AAG currently has a partnership with the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport in Clark, Pampanga, which allows the flight academy to use the facilities for its various training operations. Unlike other flight schools who only borrow runway time from other airports or rely on theoretical discussions, AAG’s cadets are able to train in an actual international airport, giving them the opportunity to hone the skills required for runway procedures, ATC communication and ground control operations.
AAG provide flight training that enables pilots a platform to acquire multiple Type Rating certifications

The A320 aircraft is outfitted with the latest glass cockpit technology
At AAG, pilots are better equipped to acquire multiple Type Rating certifications, giving them the required professional qualification a particular aircraft type.
In the Asian Pacific region, an Airbus A320 Type Rating certification is recommended among pilots seeking airline employment. Since it is the most widely used fleet in the region due to its size, passenger capacity and fuel efficiency, the A320, along with the other aircrafts of the Airbus family, has dominated the commercial aviation industry.
At Alpha Aviation Group, the A320 Type Rating is offered as a single course or as a core component of its flagship Alpha Airline Pilot Program, which takes a cadets through all of the professional requirements needed in order to become a commercial pilot, including PPL, CPL and IR certifications, as well as multi-crew cooperation and jet orientation courses.
For experienced pilots seeking to develop their skills and expand their professional qualifications, AAG also offers courses such as A320 type rating, A320 recurrency training, CCQ training, and Difference Training.
Pilots wanting to fly larger commercial jets
Advanced training is a method for pilots to gain permission to fly larger aircrafts, a viable solution to the problem of runway traffic. The increasingly high number of planes that operate in an airport significantly contributes to the problem. In a proposal by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), the organization recommended for airlines to utilize larger aircrafts with more passenger capacity and capability for flexible flight schedules. With a higher number of passengers transported on each flight, airlines can now decrease their fleet, reducing the congestion rate. However, pilots must first obtain the necessary certificates and qualifications before flying these aircrafts.
Pilots who take additional courses and pursue multiple type ratings become sustainable assets for carriers, as airlines only need to invest in an aircraft, as opposed to buying new aircrafts and recruiting more people. Additionally, pilots who possess an A320 Type Rating certification are more preferred by airlines, as these pilots are already familiar with the cockpit and instruments found on the larger Airbus planes, such as the A350 XWB and the double deck A380.
As the problem of airport congestion continues to increase, the search for lasting and immediate solutions also remains. To address this, pilots can further enhance their skills and competencies with effective and extensive pilot training that plays a significant part in alleviating airport congestion.
To know more about pilot training and courses, contact AAG today.
Photo Credits
Photo 1 by Doug via Flickr. CC BY NC ND 2.0.
Photo 2 by Smythe Richbourg via Flickr. CC BY NC-ND 2.0.
Other photos from Alpha Aviation Group