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AICAT offers the Flight Instructor (FI) Course designed to enable aspiring individuals to qualify for an FI License Issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP)

AICAT is the first ATO in the Philippines to pioneer a course design which incorporates the full adoption and implementation of the CBTA (Competency Based Training and Assessment) philosophy across all training modules and phases. This innovative “outcome-focused” training approach aims to develop and nurture among trainees the necessary pilot competencies to be departure from the “qualification-based” traditional training approach designed to enable trainees to demonstrate the minimum skill, knowledge and experience levels just to meet the qualification requirements prescribed by civil aviation authorities. The CBTA training framework enables learning and innovation rather than just passing a test.

The simulated sessions are delivered using one of the world’s most technologically-advanced fixed-based simulator available in the market – the Alsim AL172 MKII FNPT II. this Flight simulator training device – one of the seven (7) in AAG’s fleet at the Simulator Training Center in Clark Freeport Zone – represents a Cessna 172SP Skyhawk NAV III aircraft equipped with the Garmin G1000® NXi avionics suite, meeting the requirement as both FAA FTD level 5 and EASA FNPT II for maximum credit hours. It offers a close-to-reality experience which can simulate conditions and scenarios that are beyond the envelop of most generic simulators of its class.

Successful completion of the program provides trainees not just the capabilities to satisfy the minimum requirements to pass regulatory check but more importantly, the necessary pilot skills and competencies to safely and effectively command a commercial aircraft. The training program runs for approximately fifteen(15) months with margin for performance, weather and regulatory document processing.

Course Design

AAG Offers the Crew Resources Management (CRM) Course designed to sufficiently prepare every trainee with the necessary knowledge and skills in Crew Resource Management (CRM) in preparation for airline flight operations.

Crew Resource Management (CRM) is a set of training procedures used in environments where human error can have devastating effects. Used primarily for improving aviation safety, CRM focuses on interpersonal communication, leadership, and decision-making in the cockpit of an airliner. AAGP intends to introduce this concept in a simulated environment and allow trainees to integrate and propagate CRM into their own organization. While retaining a command hierarchy, the CRM concept is intended to foster a less authoritarian cockpit culture where co-pilots are encourage to call the attention of captains if observed as making mistakes or errors.

As a countermeasure to errors, Threat and Error Management (TEM) is an overarching safety concept regarding aviation operations and human performance. TEM is not a revolutionary concept, but one that has evolved gradually, as a consequence of the constant drive to improve the margins of safety in aviation operations through the practical integration of Human Factors knowledge and CRM.

TEM was developed as a product of collective aviation industry experience. Such experience fostered the recognition that past studies and, most importantly, operational consideration of human performance in aviation had largely overlooked the most important factor influencing human performance in dynamic work environments: the interaction between people and the operational context (i.e. organizational, regulatory and environmental factors) within which people discharged their operational duties.

Application and Admission

The following application requirements can be initially submitted through email, and must be presented in person:

  • Resume
  • Flight Time and Type Ratings
  • Pilot License/s
  • Last 4 Pages of Pilot Logbook
  • Radio License
  • Class 1 Medical Certificate
  • At least Level 4 ELP Certificate
  • Flight Training Certificates
  • Passport
  • Two Pieces 2″x2″ ID PHotos
  • Copy of Medical Insurance
  • Application Form

Additional Requirements for foreign students applicants are:

  • National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance
  • Special Study Permit (SSP) from Bureau of Immigration (BI)