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How Can the Aviation Industry Recover in a Post-Pandemic World?
July 26, 2022
AAG Corporate Affairs

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on the aviation industry over the last two years. Industry revenue, for instance, totaled only $328 billion in 2020, a mere 40% of the previous year’s. Experts expect that the sector will remain significantly smaller for a few more years, forecasting that a return to 2019 levels […]

wacky photo of pilot graduates
4 Important Tips Every Student Pilot Should Know About
July 22, 2022
AAG Corporate Affairs

The road to a professional flying career is a long and often challenging one. Aspiring pilots should be prepared to invest significant amounts of time, energy, and resources into participating in comprehensive training programs and obtaining the proper certifications necessary to pilot an aircraft for a living. They’ll have to work hard to learn the […]

AAG Pilot Training
5 Reasons Why You’d Consider a Career as a Flight Instructor
July 19, 2022
AAG Corporate Affairs

Most students who attend aviation training programs do so in the hope of one day becoming commercial airline pilots. Besides this line of work, however, there are many other careers in the industry that you can pursue. For instance, many students who attain their desired type rating and commercial pilot’s license go on to pursue […]

4 Commonly Misunderstood Myths about Being a Pilot
July 14, 2022
AAG Corporate Affairs

Many movies and TV shows about pilots and the aviation industry give the public a glimpse into this prestigious vocation. While a lot of thought goes into actors’ roles as pilots, they don’t always show a realistic depiction of the everyday life of a pilot. Often, the stories are highly dramatized to increase the show’s […]

AGG Pilots
Why Should You Consider Becoming a Commercial Airline Pilot
July 12, 2022
AAG Corporate Affairs

Many people enroll in a flight school in pursuit of their dream of becoming a pilot. And depending on their aviation goals, they have an option to learn how to fly private aircraft or go through a comprehensive pilot training program for commercial airlines. If you choose to be a commercial airline pilot, you’ll also […]