Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Philippines – Four (4) cadet pilots belonging to Airline Pilot Program (APP) Batch 38 and five (5) CPL holders who graduated from other pilot schools were inducted into AAG’s First Officer Transition (FOT) Program on 25 July 2023. This induction marks the final phase of their intensive training to officially become first officers.
In his welcome remarks, Capt. Vicente Casibang II (AAG Philippines Accountable Manager) reassured the trainees of AAG’s continuing commitment to a quality training designed to make them globally competitive.
Meanwhile, Capt. Anthony Tan (AAGP Head of Training) provided the trainees with a snapshot of what to expect during their transition training. “Our goal is to make you competent and help you achieve success in the industry,” he added.
The FOT Program follows the ICAO’s Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) principles and delivered utilizing experienced and skilled instructors, along with a comprehensive suite of state-of-the-art devices and tools. Its aim is to produce airline-ready pilots with a competitive edge. (AAG Corporate Affairs)